Surado offer most trusted caregivers in Sri Lanka
We care for you as you care for family and friends.
TL Care helps people just like you find great Senior Caregivers. We give you the most advanced search tools and security systems available to make it safe and easy to find Senior Caregivers with the specific traits you want. Whether you’re seeking a part-time, live-out job or perhaps you want a full-time, live-in job… Either way, if you want great Senior Caregivers, we’ve got you covered.
Caregivers Resumes
“We have nearly quadrupled our learning student’s bases who have embraced diversity and gender balance.”
Searching for jobs never been that easy. Now you can find job matched your career expectation, apply for jobs and receive feedback right on your mobile. Get Tender Loving Care mobile app and start your job search now!
A caregiver is a paid or unpaid member of a person’s social network who helps them with activities of daily living. Since they have no specific professional training, they are often described as informal caregivers.